It is time to spay our German Shepherd puppy, and our veterinarian quoted us $576. I was shocked because I had read that it was only about $200-$300. I started shopping around. I called three other places.
- The first one was where I used to take my cats, and they said it would be about $440.
- Second place said $700
- The third was $1,115
I realized that my veterinarian estimate was not as bad as I thought it was but that meant that I needed more time to save. Therefore, I pushed the procedure back to early July.
My sister always says that I am indecisive and never make a decision without taking forever to make it. This is something that I’ve always admired about both my sisters. However, I think the good thing about how I am is that I will call around to make sure that the estimate I have makes sense and it’s what I want to pay.
Best ways to shop around is:
- Call different companies and ask for an estimate – Reputable companies will usually provide you an estimate even if it’s a range. As long as you understand that it might go up and down, then this will at least help you budget. If they aren’t willing to give you an estimate, then you probably are better off not giving them your business.
- Ask your family and friends – Getting recommendations from people you trust is much better than from strangers. Ask your family and friends. There will be one or two who can give you a name or two.
- Search online and even ask – If all else fails, do a search. The best places that I have found are Nextdoor, Angie’s List, and Yelp. However, you can even go on Reddit and Quora and find some places to call to get quotes.
Always shop around especially when you are purchasing something big. You will be surprised how the place you thought would be the most expensive isn’t, and the one you thought wouldn’t be is.
Side note: I am also in shock how much it cost to spay a dog because I would think it would be less being that they are trying to make sure that there aren’t dogs having puppies unless they are being purposely being bred. There are low-cost spaying options, but it seems you have to submit an application.