As everyone knows in the US, we have been told that the isolation period has been extended to April 30th. One of the reasons why is because people are still not isolated. I heard that in New York, the police busted a karaoke party with adults and children during the time that they should be in isolation. I also see kids outside playing together, and they don’t seem to be siblings or cousins. I think it’s great that kids are going outside and playing. I just don’t feel that kids from different households should be playing together at this moment.
People, the only way that we’ll finally be able to start going outside, started going to the store without having people panic buying, and being able to find things in the store is if we all work together. Yes, stay home, connect with people online, but just stay home. I just don’t understand people who are still going out and people who are thinking, “Oh, nothing’s going on.”
I did find a news story about a 51-year-old father who had all of his son’s his car ready to go. When the son came back from spring break, partying with his friends in Texas, his father told him, “You better stop right there. You are not coming in.” I applaud the father. I think he was taking care of his elderly parents, and that was another reason he told his son that he was not coming into the house.
One of the good things that have come out of the social distancing is people are finding innovative ways to connect with other people.
Online Apps
If you’re on Instagram and you’ve been part of D-Nice’s Club Quarantine. I “went” yesterday, and I thought it was terrific. A lot of music from my childhood and when I was a teenager. One of the ways that I use to connect with people is on FriendFeed, which was bought by Facebook. I connected with people there, and I’m friends with some of those people years later.
That is something that I think is coming back. These are some of the ways that I’m connecting with everyone, and we’re having fun. Watching Instagram Live or creating your own Instagram Live. Last night, I saw that Ne-Yo and John to Austin had a battle, which I thought was pretty cool. So there are some great things people are doing.
I know that also using Zoom like some personal trainers are actually doing exercise routines, and people are joining in and working out. I also heard authors are reading children’s books. I’ve seen people doing like art on there that you can do like a, you know like the Sip and Paint. People are finding creative ways on Instagram Live to connect with others.
There’s also Tik Tok. At first, I was a little skeptical of TikTok because everybody was super young. More and more, I’ve seen older people getting on there.
I want to thank all the creators who are making us forget about these stressful times. And just for that one second or minute, you make us laugh and dance. I have high people in high-risk groups in my family, so I am very nervous.
Another great way to connect with others is using Netflix Party, which is a Google Chrome extension. You connect to your Netflix and then create a party link on Netflix Party. After that, you can send that link to people and watch the movie together. If you use something like a casting tool like I have Chromecast, you can cast it from your laptop to your TV. The movie companies have released movies that were in the theaters to your home. I’ve watched “Onward” with my daughter, and then I watched “Bloodshot” with my son.
Video Chat with Others
Another good option is video conferencing with others. I have an iPhone, and a lot of my family members do as well., so I’ve been using the group FaceTime to FaceTime them. My nephew and I face timed each other, and we are now reading a book together, like an online book club. If you didn’t know, check your library, they usually have audiobooks and eBooks that you can rent. We rented the audiobooks from our libraries.
There’s also an app called House Party. I haven’t used it, but I have heard a lot of people talking about it. There’s Google Duo for those who have an Android. One of the things about Google Duo is that it actually works with iPhones as well.
I talked about in another video about Microsoft Teams. That’s an excellent way to connect with your coworkers. I know it’s kinda tough, but turn on the videos so everybody can connect. My CEO had a good idea that I want to share. Have virtual luncheons with everybody.
Turn Off the News
I have decided that on Saturdays, I am not going to listen to the news. During these situations where you feel helpless, you don’t know what’s going on, or you’re scared, turn off the news, even if it’s once a week, because it really will help.
Learn a New Skill or Two
You have to apply for that. It’s also an excellent time to take some educational classes on online education platforms like SkillShare or LinkedIn Learning. I am currently using Microsoft Learn to take their course on Azure Fundamentals and plan to get the certification in May or June.
Help Your Community
You should also try and support your community. Depending on where you are, your health systems are being hit. My hospital system asked if people can donate food and created an emergency fund. My college started a fund and about 600 students have already signed up to try to get some assistance. Many people have lost their jobs. If you can help, then you can while you remain at home.
Go Outdoors
All of us should be social distancing. Believe me, I know it’s tough having to be in the house all day. It’s getting nice outside, so go for a walk with your family and/ou live with. I walk my dogs every morning, and I’ve been walking them longer. If I do see someone coming in the opposite direction, I usually go inside the grassy area. If I’m coming on the opposite side, I’ll go to the street.
If a car is not coming, if I do is see a car coming, then I’ll go to the grassy area and wait for them to pass by. And then I keep walking. But that has really helped to stop feeling like I’m just stuck in the house. Now that the weather is getting nicer, I can now go to my deck. I know if you live in an apartment and you don’t have a deck area, like when I lived in my condo, I didn’t have a deck area, so I know that that would be pretty tough. But try to go, you know, walk the dog. So go for a walk during off times that people aren’t really outside. I have told my kids that if they’re going to walk the dog, walk her around 1:00 PM because there aren’t that many people out.
Start Creating
My last tip is to start creating. Start working on projects, things around the house, or just something that you’ve always been passionate about, but you never had time to do. Start doing it now. We’re stuck in the house, and you don’t work at your day job 24/7. You need something more to do than just watching TV, so learn a new skill, create a blog, a YouTube channel, a blog. Do something that will help you forget that things are scary out there. Please subscribe to the newsletter to be alerted when there are new videos and blog posts. Everyone, be safe.