Hi, I'm Shevonne!

Have More Free Time to Focus on What Matters

Designed to reframe your thoughts around your life by focusing productivity.

How Can I Help You

My signature are like nothing else on the market, designed to reframe your thoughts around money, health, relationships, self-love and motherhood.

In this fabulous (and FREE!) coaching call, we will focus on discussing where you are now with your productivity, and define what your ideal work/life balance is.

Validate the Productivity Digital Course

I’m creating a course with you in mind. The YOU is the busy professional who is trying to get a handle of their calendar to have the work/life balance perfect for them. 

free productivity checklist

Free Productivity Checklist + Sample Schedule To Help You Find Balance

Let’s get on a FREE 30-minute call so I can understand your struggles (everyone’s is different) in your current schedule, your ideal work/life balance, and even start working on a goal that you will have time for now.

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