A person sharing their experience and strategies for managing full-time work, parenting, and studying for professional certifications. The video covers topics such as creating a study schedule, using active learning techniques, taking regular breaks, tracking progress, seeking support, maintaining a healthy lifestyle, managing stress, and maintaining balance between work, study, and personal life. The speaker emphasizes flexibility, consistency, and the importance of celebrating small achievements

How to Study for While Working Full-Time and Raising Kids

While studying with a full-time job and other responsibilities can be challenging, it’s possible with effective time management and careful planning. I’ve done it. Back in 2020, I was working full time, finishing my MBA, and taking care of a newborn, and I’m still here. While I’m not going to pretend it was all fun and I was always in high spirits, I did it, and now I’m excelling. Besides having an MBA in information security, I’m a mom. My study for the AZ-104 is going well, and I’m also seeing questions on Reddit about studying. Also, as a mom of a 21-year-old going to college, I thought I’d make a video all about studying, especially for busy professionals like myself.

Make a Study Schedule

Now let’s talk about how to manage your responsibilities and study effectively. Start by making a study schedule. It’s really helpful since then you’ll know when you have a test or a deadline. I’ve found that if you break down how long you have to study, how many hours a day, you will be more likely to actually do it. Additionally, a study schedule keeps you organized and makes sure you’re allocating enough time for studying. Look at your school’s certification study guide or syllabus if you’re in school. Put each area on your calendar as a milestone. You should also block out how much time you’ll be studying each day. Let’s say you want to study for more than an hour, you can break it up into two sessions. When you’re busy with a 9 to 5, early mornings or late evenings are probably best. The times are usually quieter and free of distractions, so it’s easier to concentrate. Try different times to see when you’re most productive.

Get smart with your study. Maximize your learning with different study techniques. The use of active learning techniques like summarizing, teaching others, and mnemonics can help you remember. Test yourself with mock exams or quizzes so you can get a feel for the real thing. You need to take regular breaks too. It’s hard for our brains to focus for too long. Stay fresh by taking a five- to ten-minute break every hour. Recharge and relax during your breaks. Just chill out, go for a walk, or listen to music. Keep it up. Don’t stray from your study schedule. Even if you only have 15 to 20 minutes some days, it still counts. You can track your progress. Keep an eye on your progress and tweak your plan if necessary. Don’t be afraid to celebrate your small wins. Don’t forget to reward yourself for your hard work. Keep yourself motivated and you’ll have more fun.

Seek Support

Seek out support from friends, family, and colleagues. You can ask them for encouragement and understanding about your goals. Try finding a study buddy or joining a study group. You can make the experience less daunting and more enjoyable by sharing it with someone. Make sure you stay healthy. Keep your mental and physical health in check while you study. Get enough sleep, exercise, and eat well. Keep these habits in mind to stay energized, focused, and productive. Keep stress in check. Take care of yourself by meditating, breathing deeply, or talking to someone you trust. Do not hesitate to seek professional help if you’re overwhelmed.

Keep a Balance

Maintaining balance is key. Studying isn’t everything. Take time to enjoy your hobbies and interests, and spend time with your family. Keeping a healthy balance will keep you from burning out. You can adapt as you go. It’s okay when things don’t go according to plan. Don’t be afraid to adjust your study schedule when necessary. When the going gets tough, stay positive and committed to your goals. Using these strategies will help you balance your studies, work, and parenting responsibilities.

Please watch the video for more tips. Also, sign up for the newsletter to get updates when I post a new video.

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