Life Recap of What I Have Been Up To Since October 2022

Hey everyone! It’s been a while! Things have kept me from really focusing on this website and YouTube channel, so I wanted to give a quick recap.

Moved into My New Home

My house was finally finished in October, and I love it. Florida is awesome. We’re having a blast and I’m so glad that we got to move into this house. It was nice to share that with my dad when he came down to help me. From October to December, I just focused on getting my stuff from Virginia that had been in storage for seven months down to Florida, unpacking the boxes, and getting our house settled. There are still a few things I want to do, but I’m pacing myself now.


Unfortunately, I got the house later than expected. The day I got it was October 28th, so we didn’t get to really enjoy Halloween (my favorite holiday). I’m excited for this year because this neighborhood really goes all out. I wish we could have enjoyed the festivities in the neighborhood, but we were all exhausted from moving from the apartment to the house.

Other than that, the holidays were great. Thanksgiving was spent with my family in the DC/Baltimore area. I was also able to see my best friends for brunch. Being with family and friends was nice, even though it was freezing. Then, my family came to spend Christmas and New Year’s with me. They didn’t get to enjoy the nice weather during that time, but it was great having them here. It was also nice because I didn’t know this would be the last holidays with my father.

Work Was Hectic

At work, there was a lot going on. With the current program that I manage, performance reviews were happening at that time. Due to this, I had to make sure the reviews for the people I manage were done, as well as oversee the reviews done by the managers who work with me. Then, my boss had to leave unexpectedly, so I had to take over. Therefore, I was doing my work and his for over a month. It was crazy. My stress level was high and I was ready for him to come back. I then get a frantic call from my mother that my dad had suffered a stroke.

My Father is Gone

With a toddler, dog, and two young adults, we headed back to the DC area six hours after getting the call. Unfortunately, it didn’t work out that way I hoped. The first day I arrived, my dad seemed to still be able to communicate with us. We had a lot of hope. Sadly, the hope started dwindling the next day. As time went on, he got less and less responsive. My dad’s MRI told us he had little time left. I lost my dad on March 18, 2003.

As a result of my sister’s passing, I had a warped notion that when my loved ones passed away and were older than 70-something, I would be sad, but I would celebrate their lives rather than be devastated. I was mistaken. It was and is very, very hard. My hope was that I would be able to spend another 10 to 20 years with him, but that was not to be. Moreover, I feel as though I took my dad for granted, and that pains me deeply. Do not think you will have your loved ones forever. No, you will not. Cherish them as though it is the last day they will be living on this earth.

I was primarily responsible for planning his funeral and ensuring that all his financial details were handled. While I would have liked to stay longer in Virginia, there was no way I was going to be able to do that with a toddler who cannot sit still without daycare. I returned to Florida after I had to leave.

Work Continues Being Crazy

When I got back to work, it got even crazier. There’s been a lot of layoffs, so it’s been stressful at work and making sure my team members are taken care of. So far, we’ve been able to help some people keep their jobs and make sure that not everyone who lost their huge contract at my company lost their job. 

Focused on Weight Loss

I’ve also been working on losing weight. When I went back to Virginia for Thanksgiving, I saw one of my friends. I thought she looked amazing. I reached out to her at the end of January desperate to find out what she did, because she’s always thin, but she had this strength that I have never seen. She said she joined Burn Boot Camp and so I joined and I’ve lost a little bit, but I can tell I’m getting stronger and I can feel muscles I haven’t felt in a long time. I’ve also joined Hotworx because I love hot yoga, so I’ve been doing that too.

Studying for Security+ Certification Exam

I’m taking the Security+ exam this Friday after rescheduling a few times. There’s so much to remember, so I hope I can pass the first time.

Productivity and Organization Shop

I want to get back to where I was before my life got crazy busy. I want to focus on getting my shop and running so I can share templates and stickers with you. This is something I hope can help others. Therefore, I’m gonna spend my time there.

I’m still grieving my dad, but I want to make him proud. He and my sister. Hopefully I am and continue to do so.

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