learn to be organized

Must-Have Books, YouTube Channels, and Podcasts to Get You Organized

As a single mother, I have to make sure that I am on top of my game when it comes to organization.  This is in every aspect of my life whether it be as a parent, work, home, school, and the list keeps going. Even though I have read numerous books and blogs on organization, I still make sure to keep learning because as with anything else, you can never know enough.  Here are some of the resources that keep me keep myself organized.

Books on Organization

These are the books that I have read that I felt really helped me get organized. You can see other books I have rated on Goodreads. I am telling you. These changed my life, and they will do the same for you. My friends have always been amazed that I am a single mom and are able to still do 1,000 things for my kids and myself. All it takes is learning by reading these books and practicing the tips.

YouTube Channels to Keep Organized

Keep Productive – This YouTuber reviews various tools that can help you keep your content and yourself organized.  I’ve even heard of new tools on this YouTube that I have started using.

Simpletivity – Great YouTube channel that provides great tips to make sure that you don’t feel overwhelmed and stress with everyday life.

The Art of Improvement – Learn new skills in productivity and organization. It also is a bit inspirational so when you are feeling down, it helps to make sure you keep going.

Thomas Frank – I started watching his videos to learn how to study again when I went back to school. He also has great content on how to be an organization guru.

Podcasts on Organization

Optimal Living Daily – I subscribe to a few of the Optimal podcasts, but this one is my favorite.  They curate blog posts having to do with organization, productivity, and time management.  I’ve even subscribed to some of the blogs they feature because I learned so much from what I heard in the podcast.

Simply Convivial – This podcaster is a superstar organizer. I think I am an expert, but not to the level she is. She discusses different areas and how to get organized, and how to maintain it. I will one day get to her level, but the only way I will is by learning from people like her.

Let me know if there are other resources you use to become an organizing expert. Please share and subscribe to the email newsletter to keep up-to-date with the podcast.

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