Son is Officially an Eagle Scout!

This past Wednesday, my son officially became an Eagle Scout! It was a long (sometimes stressful) journey, but it was worth it. I have seen my son go from needing me to help with everything to becoming more and more independent each day. He has learned skills that he will use for the rest of his life, and I am glad that did it.

When he was in middle school, my son went through a hard time and went through depression. He blamed himself for his father lack of being around, and he isolated himself. There was a moment that he wanted to quit Boy Scouts, and I was going to let him. He came to me the next day and said he wanted to continue. I said to him that if he makes this decision, he will get to Eagle Scout. He agreed that he will. Here we are!

As a parent, you should always support your children in making sure they achieve what they want. When they do not want your help, then at least be there emotionally and to listen. He is turning out to be such an amazing adult, and I can’t be more proud.

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