weekend in review

Feb 3rd: Weekend in Review

Dear Sunday, 

The end of the week has come, and I am getting ready for the next one.  Today I went to a Body Combat class at my gym.  My sister and I were Taebo Queens back in the day, so it was nice to do a class that is somewhat similar.  I want to be fit before the family cruise this summer, so I am really trying to find exercises that I love to do, and a schedule that works for me. When it comes to food, I have no willpower so trying to get better at that as well.  There was this annoying lady in the class, but I am learning to let things go instead of continue to obsess about it.  I am an over-analyzer who tends to be negative, so it takes a lot of mental power to do this.  I also walked the dogs when I got home from the gym.  I am so proud of how much better Lola and Li walk together.  It was also nice to go outside.  

During the weekend, Ceb drove the whole time so he definitely got some hours in.  I also had to pick up Isa at a sleepover.  The best times to talk to your teens are in the car.  Maybe cause they have no place to runaway, but this is when mine really open up to me.  I learned about some teenage drama Isa was dealing with, and I listened.  I am working on listening, and not giving advice except asking how she feels, etc. 

The rest of the weekend was spent on Pluralsight, YouTube, and Skillshare learning C#.  I know how to read code, but I want to learn how to actually do it.  I already took the course on Python, but after talking to developers at work, they recommended I learn C#.  I also have a goal to learn something new every week, so I got on Skillshare to take a course on productivity.    

I watched a few movies.  “Velvet Buzzsaw,” “Eighth Grade,” and “Mohenjo Daro.” I also watched this crappy horror film that I watched on fast forward.  This is what I usually do when a movie is horrible, and I already spent time watching it. 

It was a very chill weekend.  However, I read this article on treating your weekends like mini vacations, so I plan to start next weekend.  I also want to take a trip somewhere with the teens.  Even if it’s just for the weekend, we need to get out there.  I did a search on “Weekend Trips Near DC,” so there are options.  However, I would rather go somewhere warm.  If anyone has any suggestions, then please share with me.

Talk to you next week.  



Featured Photo by Ella Jardim on Unsplash

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