Finding Out How I’m Doing with My First Quarterly Goal Review in 2019

It’s April so I have been working on my Quarterly Goal Review.  If you haven’t heard of it, it’s where you do an in-depth analysis of how you have been doing with your goals for the past three months. This was something that I learned from Michael Hyatt’s “Your Best Year Ever.”  If you have a few goals that you are trying to reach, I recommend his book.  I also subscribed to his podcast.  It’s more focused on business, but its very insightful.

The one thing you have to remember is not to be hard on yourself if you haven’t had much progress in an area.  All you can do is learn from your experience and apply those life lessons so you can achieve that goal.  Also, if the goal is not something that you want to do anymore, remove it.  Things change, you change, so your goals will reflect that.

Here is my Quarterly Goal Review:

Personal Development

In this area, I did good these past few months.  I took tons of courses on and  One of them was how to create a podcast, and so I did.  It’s been great podcasting because it’s something that is exciting me.  Every day that I am doing it, I am learning something new. Another goal that I had was to volunteer.  I did just that at my son’s Eagle Scout project.  I will talk more on that when I get to the Family category, but it was a good experience.

For the next few months, I plan to keep taking two courses a month. Even though I love Skillshare, I am going to continue with only  I get it for free through school.  With trying to save money, I need to reduce the number of monthly subscriptions I have. I am going to continue with my weekly podcast cause I am really passionate about it.  Hopefully, others would like it, but I want to continue and improve.


I really slacked in this area.  I barely exercised, and I didn’t eat the best.  If I want to look good for this cruise, I need to get with it.  March was hectic, and now that it’s over and the sun is out, I am motivated to get out there and exercise.

The next few months will be dedicated to having a consistent workout routine.  Also, reducing the cheat meals to only one meal.  My kids are holding me accountable so it’s good to have someone there to help.


Savings have been good, but I have been spending too much money on Food and Amazon. Stop spending.  I did postpone getting a second car until later this year because my son isn’t really using my current car as much, so why buy another one?  When he starts working, I will get the other car.  For now, save the money I would have spent in a savings account.

For the next few months, I will reduce how much I am spending on food.  I also need to let go of spending so much on Amazon.


I am taking the hardest class in my MBA program yet.  Yesterday I took the midterm, and I am just hoping that he does adjust the grades depending on how everyone did.  He said the highest grade in the last cohort was 30%, so we will see.  This weekend I went to lunch with my friend who I admire tremendously.  We met when I was her client, and even though we didn’t always see eye-to-eye when I was, I still had positive thoughts about her. She has a great career, and her advice means a lot.  She said that I better do something with that degree, and I plan to.  However, I decided to get my MBA more for me.  It was something that I wanted to do after I graduated college, but I waited due to being a single mother with two little babies.  I will use the degree whether it be getting to the C-Suite or starting my own business.


Last month I interviewed for a new position at my current company.  They are restructuring and created this position that I believe I am qualified for.  It was a grueling two hours, but I feel I did it ok.  Even if I don’t get it, I tried and will continue to do so. Hopefully I hear good news this month.

The next few months I plan to really do some soul-searching as to what I want when I get my MBA and how that will impact my career.


It’s time for a vacation.  I plan to take a couple of days off this month and go somewhere.  Not sure where yet so if anyone has suggestions as to where to go with teens, please shoot me a message.


I left the hardest area for last. Things are great with my son.  He could do a little better in school, but he is on track to graduate next year.  He has finished his Eagle Scout project, and now it’s doing the administrative stuff to finally get Eagle.  He also got his license and his helping with the errands. My heart does a little jump when he does leave the house, but I just have to trust that I taught him well.  Things are still a bit tough with my daughter.  It’s hard times with her.  I am learning to let go and accept that I am doing everything that I can.  Others have told me that, but as a parent, you always feel a sense of guilt.  I’ve limited my goal to making sure that she graduates high school.  I am switching her to online high school, and I am hoping that it helps.  We are doing family therapy, so I am hoping that we make progress.

The next few months is making sure that I can help my daughter get into a better track with school and on the path of graduating.  Where is the manual on how to raise kids?

What goals do you have for yourself?  Please share because it’s always good to have others on the journey with you.  

Featured Photo by Aishath Naj on Unsplash

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