Life Reflection After 40

I wanted to talk about something that really doesn’t have to do much with work. I have been doing a lot of reflecting on my life and where I want it to go. I think one of the reasons why is because I became a grandmother. Yes, very young. I did not expect to be a grandmother at this age. But all you can do in life is just adjust what you thought your plans for and make sure that with the new changes in your life, you can continue moving forward. And I am so blessed to have him in my life. I never expected to love any other child as much as I love my son and daughter, but I definitely do.

Having a daughter who is a teen mom, you do think a lot about just your life as well. As parents, we tend to feel that parent guilt that goes along with everything that your kids do, the things that you think you didn’t do right or the things that you feel that you weren’t able to give them.

I have been thinking a lot about that as well. And one thing I always believe that people do is definitely go to therapy. Therapy can be for someone to help you when you’re going through some things. I have used a therapist before. When my sister passed away, I had a therapist who helped me with my grief. I found my current one when I was dealing with things with my daughter. It’s been nice having a therapist just to talk to because there are things that you can speak with your therapist about that you can’t speak with family members or friends. They don’t judge. She has extensive, um, experience dealing with teenagers, and she has helped me along through a lot of the journey that I’ve had.

Everyone has a journey. You shouldn’t be judging other people because you don’t know what their life has been, what it is, and the things that they have done throughout their life to judge them to the point that they’re at now.

I did feel a lot of embarrassment before the baby was born. I felt like a failure, and I just couldn’t figure out where I went wrong that my daughter ended up being pregnant so young. However, I have already gone through every emotion, and now I am just happy with my sweet grandson. And, all I can do now is support my daughter.

Hopefully, she makes good decisions, and she gives him a good life. I think that she will, I have seen a change in her, which I believe has made me feel a lot better on in the fact that I think she’s a wonderful mother. She’s very attentive and calm. I am very, very, very optimistic that things will be good for her and my grandson in their future.

I know that in my career, I definitely want to turn my side hustle into my full-time business. At first, when I started my MBA program, I wanted to be an executive of a company. However, I’ve realized that I don’t want to work for anyone anymore. And I feel like that’s something that I want to start making the shift towards is focusing on starting my own business and having it grow. Of course, you know, during these times where a lot of people are unemployed, I definitely don’t want to lose my job.

It’s a good company. They’re very professional and brilliant people. I am learning a lot, which is always very good to continue to grow. But I do know that eventually, I want to start my own business. I want to do it on my own and help others as well.

My son graduated high school, and I am excited for him. I bought the yard sign, t-shirt, and I’m going to do something special in the house.

I hated high school, and I know he hates high school. I told him that part of your life is over and you can move forward with a new phase in your life. I don’t want to push him to go to college or go into a certain career. You can have all the money in the world, but if you’re not happy, who cares.

I want to be both my kids’ biggest supporter. Right now, he’s thinking about the military. I am a little afraid of him joining the military. My dad was in the Army, and my sister was in the Air Force. My sister’s experience was not the greatest, but I have realized that it wasn’t the military. It was more things the inner demons that she was dealing with. I think the military would be good for him.

In the last two weeks, I’ve been in the hospital, helping with the baby, and sleep-deprived. I want to help my daughter. I know how hard it was for me, especially my son, who is the oldest when he was a newborn. I barely slept, I believe, for about two years. I want to help her as much as possible.

During that time, I’ve just been thinking about what do I want to do, where do I want to go?

So that’s where I’m at right now. I would love to hear where you’re at in your life, what your thoughts are on your career and the future. Thank you for listening. Bye.

self reflection after 40 with my daughter becoming a teen mom, son graduating high school and thinking of joining the military, and I am almost done with MBA program
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