Many of us are working from home, and it’s something that a lot of us are not used to. We would go into an office that would keep our personal and business lives separate. As someone who has been working from home for over ten years, I want to tell you that just cause you are working from home does not mean that you have to always be working. You don’t have to continually be in front of the computer, meeting with people, and filling your day with tasks. You have to take time for yourself, spend quality time with your loved ones, including your pets. A lot of us are not really feeling 100% at the moment. I am not saying everyone is suffering from depression, but we are not feeling super energetic. Even if you are happy, you might have in the back of your head how the world has changed in a matter of days. You might be going stir crazy, can’t see your loved ones who don’t live with you, and enjoy social outings, like running errands, going to the movies, going to a nice restaurant, and even having drinks with friends.
Take a break. Everyone needs a break. Last week was hectic for me. I had tons of things happening at work and had a midterm exam (that was pretty hard) and a project. I was feeling so overwhelmed and exhausted. I knew it was time to take a day off because I was getting teary-eyed, and anything would set me off.
I took a Mental Health day and did nothing. I spent time with my kids, watched TV, and played video games. The thought came into my head that I’m a slacker, and there are tons of people out there who are working hard, and I shouldn’t be doing this. Before I spiraled out of control, I stopped myself and thought, “Okay, look, you have been working hard for months. You deserve this day.” Therefore, I beg you to please make sure that you are taking that time to rest.
The dishes will still be there, and the numerous tasks at work will be waiting for you. You need to take that break for yourself. If not, you will experience burnout. Burning out can lower your immune system, cause high levels of stress, and you’re just not going to feel for like yourself. You might end up getting depressed, especially if you are prone to do so.
Take a breather, and I promise you that taking that day will not make everything go to shit. If you are not mentally healthy, then you won’t be able to deal with homeschooling the kids, working full time, and doing what needs to be done to keep the household running.
Please comment below how you take a mental health break even if it’s just for five minutes. Have a good weekend!