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Yesterday I spent the day in my MBA classes. It’s great because I am becoming fast friends with a few of the people in my cohort, and I am friendly with the rest of them. Even though it’s a Saturday spent in a classroom, we all have fun because we feel we are in this together.
I had a few reasons why I wanted to get my MBA. Getting my MBA has always been a dream of mine. I had my two kids when I was about between 21-24. I would actually go to school while I was pregnant, and I had to sit sideways because I couldn’t fit in the seat. Even though I wanted to continue my education, I knew that there was no way I could start a graduate program with two babies. I knew it made sense to wait.
Another reason that I went back to school is that I want to start my own business or get into the C-suite. Even though there are have been tons of reports saying there is no need to go to business school, I still think it makes sense for me. Many executives have their MBA, so if I got that route, I would have a better chance. If I decide to start my own business, it doesn’t hurt to learn more about how to run a business.
When the kids turned to teenagers, I decided it was the right time. My criteria for choosing an MBA program was:
- Reputable online Executive MBA program but meets in person every so often
- Virginia university
- Not overly expensive
- Tailored for working professional
- Didn’t have to take the GMAT
After extensive research, I decided between George Mason University (my alma mater) and James Madison University. However, James Madison University had an Executive MBA, so I decided to go with them. When I was about to start, I got a call that the Executive MBA program wasn’t starting until 2019, so I could either transition to the Information Security MBA program or wait. JMU’s Information Security MBA program has a great reputation, and I would still have access to the Executive coaches from the Executive MBA program, so I decided to go for it.
I started in August 2018, and I have to take 21 classes. My cohort and I take a class every eight weeks. We meet online weekly. On the last day of the class, we meet in person in the morning. In the afternoon, we start the next course. It has been crazy, but I know I made the right decision.
If you are thinking about going back to school, you have to really think about what makes sense for you. For me, it made sense to wait for my kids to be teenagers. Others in my cohort decided to do it while their kids are babies and toddlers.

Featured Photo by Kimberly Farmer on Unsplash
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